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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Botany
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, Page No: 1-5

Comparative Study of Viability in Seeds of Six Genera of Family

Dr.Geetika Singh1*,Gundeep kaur2,Komalpreet3

1.Indian Cardamom Research Institute, Myladumpara, Kailasanadu P.O., Kerala, India
2.Department of Botany, St. Dominic's College, Kanjirapally, Kerala, India

Citation :Dr.Geetika Singh,Gundeep kaur,Komalpreet, Comparative Study of Viability in Seeds of Six Genera of Family Fabaceae International Journal of Advanced Research in Botany 2017,3(2) : 1-5


The present study was undertaken with the aim to study the germination of seeds of family fabaceae. Plants of family Fabaceae also called as bean family are economically important family of flowering plants. The family is widely distributed, and is the third-largest land plant family in terms of number of species, behind only the Orchidaceae and Asteraceae. The influence of light, water, temperature and pH on germination were also analysed. The seeds of Glycine max, Vigna radiata, Vigna munga, Cicer arientum, Lens culinaris and Trigonella foenum-graecum were studied. This study of germination revealed that germination was essentially complete after 14 days. Germination percentage, vigour index were studied and comparatively analysed. TTC test were conducted in all the six species to study their level of cellular respiration. Out of all the genera Vigna radiata and Trigonella foenum-graecum showed the best viability

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