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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


ARC Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2018, Page No: 8-12

Newer Tools to Fight Inter-Galactic Parasites and their Transmissibility in Zygirion Simulation

Beth Smith1, Farooq Ali Khan1, Chris Beauregard1, Christina Hendricks1, Sukant Khurana1

1.Sanchez institute of biomedical sciences for doopidoo research. Agadir, Morocco.

Citation : Beth Smith,, Newer Tools to Fight Inter-Galactic Parasites and their Transmissibility in Zygirion Simulation ARC Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2018, 4(3) : 8-12


We propose some novel tools to combat the long existing problem of inter-galactic parasites such as Klaousmodium cruzi which are known to have caused havoc amongst various populations. We present solution after attentively observing various scientific procedures undertaken by the greatest scientists of our times who existed in segmented Claymation. In total we have investigated 31 different experiments and propose this ground-breaking quick fix which will truly transform the field. We'd also like to boast that our work has received accolades from the scientists whose work we followed including the greats like R'onaldI'saac and Charles Kao

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