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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


ARC Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Volume 1, Issue 2, 2015, Page No: 16-20

Antithrombotic Therapy During Pregnancy

Sihana Ahmeti Lika* 1, Bujar H. Durmishi2, Agim Shabani2, Merita Dauti1, Ledjan Malaj3

1. Faculty of Medical Sciences, Department of Pharmacy, State University of Tetova, Ilindeni Str. n.n., 1200 Tetova, R. of Macedonia
2.Faculty of Mathematical - Natural Sciencese, Department of Chemistry, State University of Tetova, Ilindeni Str. n.n., 1200 Tetova, R. of Macedonia

Citation : Sihana Ahmeti Lika*, Bujar H. Durmishi,, Antithrombotic Therapy During Pregnancy ARC Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2015,1(2) : 16-20


Antithrombotic therapy is the main therapy for acute deep vein thrombosis. The objectives of anticoagulant therapy in the initial treatment are to prevent thrombus extension and early and late recurrences of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. The main objective of our study is to analyze the usage of low molecular weight heparins in women, during the period of pregnancy. Our study, represents a retrospective study, which was undertaken during 01 July - 31 December 2013, in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, at Clinical Hospital in Tetova. Among of 817 pregnant women, 277 of them received anticoagulant therapy, respectively Low Molecular Weight Heparins. 119 of them were patients with risky pregnancy and 68 were with the diagnosis Hypercoagulable State

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