Clinical Findings, Treatments and Outcomes of Transplant Recipients with Metastatic Skin Cancer
Muneeb Ilyas, Amit Sharma
Elevation in D-Dimer Levels after the Surgical Treatment of Stage IA Extramammary Paget's Disease: A Risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis
Chika Ohata, Taichi Imamura, Hiroshi Saruta, Takekuni Nakama
Valproic Acid-Induced Hyperpigmentation
Rosa Gimenez-Garcia, Sergio Carrasco-Molina, Belen Zambrano-Centeno
Atorvastatin Induced Erythema Multiforme
Gimenez- Garcia Rosa, Gonzalez-Gonzalez Diego, Martinez-Martin Eva
Focal Acral Hyperkeratosis with Intracorneal Retention of Keratohyalin Granules
Y Charli-Joseph, RA Garcia-Galaviz, J Dominguez-Cherit