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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences
Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Page No: 1-5

Determination of the Quantity of Pure Bees Wax Obtained from Crude Beeswax in Selected Zones of Oromia

Taye Negera1, Demelash Zelalem2, Tigist Lemma2, Hana Tadesse2, Yeshitela Eshete2

1. Agricultural research Institute, Holeta Bee research center, PO box 22, Holeta, Ethiopia.
2. Ethiopia Meat and Dairy Industry Development Institute, Holeta, Ethiopia.

Citation : Taye Negera,,Determination of the Quantity of Pure Bees Wax Obtained from Crude Beeswax in Selected Zones of Oromia International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences. 2018, 6(7) : 1-5.


Oromia regional state is with high potential of honey and bees wax production and where there was dissemination of modern beekeeping potentials. The study was carried out in selected districts of west shoa and Jimma zones of Oromia regional state: such as Wolmera, Gedo,Jimma,Gera and Goma districts. The objective of the study was to determine the amount and quality of pure wax recovered from crude bees wax resources that collected from potential beekeeping practice and local honey wine making houses. Based on the existing situation of the region there are different sources of crude beeswax which are from honey wine making houses left over, old and broken combs and the residue of honey purification process were the major sources. The main source of crude beeswax that used for the processors and export companies is the crude beeswax produced and collected from the local honey wine making houses. Due to the absence of enough information on the recovered percentage of pure wax in particular when the crude beeswax resource is from honey wine making houses left over. The lack of reliable information could made a controversy to set and collect the required income tax rate from beeswax processors and exporter companies. To implement the proposed research the representative crude beeswax samples was collected across honey and beeswax potential districts of Oromia regional state the collected samples from 17 sites of the four regions were bulked into 6 samples by homogenization and the samples was extracted by using two techniques which are manual and mechanical methods. The extracted pure bees wax samples were tested to investigate chemical quality parameters and all of the samples was met the national and international quality standards, except the total volatile matter content that investigated maximum than the standards .The percentage of pure wax recovered from 5 kg of crude beeswax from local honey wine making houses left over was varied from 31.8 to 32.8.0% with mean of 32.2 % using manual extraction methods and similarly 18 to 32 % with mean of 24.67 % using mechanical method. The average percentage of pure wax recovered from crude wax from local honey wine houses left over by using manual and mechanical extraction method is 32.2 % and 24.67 %, respectively with the cumulative average of 28.4 %. Further studies on identification of the optimum temperature and time required in heating crude beeswax for extraction process and conducting research review to investigate the crud wax wastage due to mishandling at local producers.

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