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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 43-53

An Update on the Use of Fiberglass Casing and Tubing in Oil and Gas Wells

Mahmood Amani,Ahmed Abdul Rauf2

Texas A&M University at Qatar.

Citation :Mahmood Amani,Ahmed Abdul Rauf, An Update on the Use of Fiberglass Casing and Tubing in Oil and Gas Wells International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering 2017,3(4) : 43-53


Thirty years after the last paper on the subject, an update is required. This paper initially outlines a basic review of fiberglass piping in the industry and the manufacturing process. Field issues identified through literature, interviews and operator experiences have been presented and analyzed. Methods and avenues to address these issues have been researched, and a look to the future of fiberglass in the field is provided. Pipe failure, logging, joining methods, fire safety, and handling have been addressed. Generally, as fiberglass accumulates further field-experience, issues and obstacles have been overcome generating many successful case histories around the world.

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