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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Volume 5, Issue 9, 2018, Page No: 1-10

Urban Transformation-The Day of the Good Life as a catalyst for an urban change towards sustainability

Davide Brocchi

Transformation activist, publicist, researcher, lecturer, Doctoral student at Heinrich Heine University in Dusseldorf, Germany.

Citation : Davide Brocchi, Urban Transformation-The Day of the Good Life as a catalyst for an urban change towards sustainability International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2018, 5(9) : 1-10


How can the "Good Life" (Buen Vivir) be promoted in the city? How can urban resilience be strengthened in a time of multiple crises? What does a district look like that will be designed by its own residents? This text examines the potential of an "intentional transformation towards sustainability", which is mainly bottom-up, driven by "unconventional alliances" (including between citizens and institutions) at the local level. The empirical source of knowledge for the analysis is a "real-world lab" in Cologne (Germany). Since 2013, the so-called "Day of the Good Life" (Tag des guten Lebens) takes place once a year. It is supported by a diverse local network of about 130 organizations and many dedicated citizens. This day isn't an event, but serve as a catalyst in a comprehensive process, that promotes trust and cooperation in the neighbourhood and makes a whole district to a commons. This process shows why a transformation towards sustainability isn't first a question of economic capital or of technological innovation, but of human and social relationships.

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