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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science
Volume 5, Issue 12, 2018, Page No: 20-37

Gravity is Acting at Superluminous Infinite Speed, an Explanation for almost Everything, by the Authors' Rigorous Mathematical Proof and Overwhelming Experimental Evidence

P.T. Pappas, T.P. Pappas, L.P. Pappas

Athens, Greece.

Citation : P.T. Pappas, T.P. Pappas, L.P. Pappas, Gravity is Acting at Superluminous Infinite Speed, an Explanation for almost Everything, by the Authors' Rigorous Mathematical Proof and Overwhelming Experimental EvidenceInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science 2018, 5(12) : 20-37.


The present theory is based on two experimentally as well as rigorously mathematical verified principles: The 1stexperimental principle: 1st Continuous creation of matter from inside similar matter and with the same state of motion. The 2ndmathematically proved principle: Instantaneous interaction of gravity in the pre-relativistic Newtonian sense of absolute space and time. It explains the seen accelerated expansion of the Universe, self-formating its laws by natural selection; the assumed dark matter and dark energy. Also ,it predicts dark momentum and dark, angular momentum, the size of elementary particles, and the constants of nature. It explains spiral galaxies with remotely retarded spirals, with corresponding less linear tangential velocity.

The theory predicts the aggregation of matter in solar systems, galaxies, a cluster of galaxies, clusters of local Universes, making the Big Universe, which we assume as a whole. It predicts that the Big-Bang is infinitely old and that it took place forever in the past, it will take place in the present and the future, with always accelerated expansion, as observed. It predicts stars' sequence from their birth to their death, like a supernova explosion, an inflamed-multiplied-explosion. This theory is against the once existence of Big-Bang, falsified by Earthly evidence of the existence of various local point mines of specific materials. For a specific Big explosion cannot have thrown specific materials at specific points under the surface (a few hundred meters deep, which implies existing since very recently) on the rotating Earth. However, these mines should have formed at most parallel to the Equator, due to the daily rotation of the Earth. It is certain, thus, that mines were created locally by a similar matter and with a similar state of motion, forming today's mountains and creating earthquakes with linear cracks to make more space inside the Earth to contain more materials. This phenomenon is similar to the known explosion of an egg, placed in a microwave oven to be cooked. The first internal heating of the egg from the inside to out first dilates the inside, which cracks the egg and causes the explosion. To our knowledge, there are thousands of such examples, from non-flying chickens to elephants and crocodiles. This theory is for everything to our knowledge, and especially, against Einstein's personal interest in supporting his Special Relativity at any cost.

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